Thursday, February 26, 2004

NY Times Endorses Kerry

They really went out on a limb. Still it's before Super Tuesday, so that's something. Here is there assessment.

If Mr. Kerry wins the nomination, the Bush administration will undoubtedly attempt to paint Mr. Kerry as a typical Massachusetts liberal, but his thinking defies such easy categorization. His positions come from mainstream American thought, centrism of the old school. He has always worried over budget deficits. His record on the environment is extremely strong. He is a gun owner and hunter who supports effective gun control laws, a combat veteran who, having seen a great deal of death, opposes capital punishment. A sense of balance comes through when he is talking. Unfortunately, so far in this campaign Mr. Kerry has shown little interest in being daring, expressing a thought that is unexpected or quirky on even minor issues. We wish we could see a little of the political courage of the Vietnam hero who came back to lead the fight against the war."

They write Edwards off as a bit too young, which is fair enough I guess. Of course what we'd all like is some sort of merging of the two. But Dr. Scientistguy says that that isn't possible yet, and even if it was there would be ethical problems and that's as far as I got before tuning him out.

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