Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Let us all now Praise Linda Chavez

Chavez finally, once and for all, exposes Howard Dean for a hypocrite. All the other accusations I had blown off, but in today's article Ms. Chavez gives undeniable proof in her very first paragraph.

"Howard Dean stepped into the culture wars this week by proclaiming as "silly" a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) investigation of the on-air smut that passed for halftime entertainment at this year's Super Bowl. "There's a great many far worse things on television that you can inadvertently turn on when you happen to be cruising through cable at regular viewing hours," Dean said from the campaign trail. He didn't explain how he would know, however, since he and his wife have repeatedly told us that they don't subscribe to cable television.

Did you see that? He claims to know that there is a lot of smut on Cable television, and yet he also claims that he and his wife don't watch cable television. Obviously one of these is a lie.

One possibility is that his assertion that there is a lot of smut on cable television is dead wrong; there's no reason to worry about seeing sexually provactive stuff on televsion. Hmmmm. I'm not sure that hold water.

The other possibility is that Dr. Dean is lying and he and his wife suscribe to lots of cable television, but are just lying about it. What liars! They probably sit around all night watching cable tv and laughing at what dopes we are for thinking they don't.

Yep those are the only too possibilities. There's no way Dean could have gotten the idea that there was a lot of smut on cable tv unless he had cable tv. I mean it's not like he's been on the campaign trail for months and staying in a lot of hotels that provide cable to their customers. It's also not like this is an issue that might get discussed in the press quite regularly.

So there you have it Dean is definately a hypocrite. All praise to Ms. Chavez for bringing this to our attention.

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