Tuesday, February 17, 2004

A Musical Question from Rush Limbaugh

Took on one Limbaugh this morning, and now another this afternoon. Listening to Rush as I drove around and he asked these three questions about a possible Vice President slot for Senator Hillary Clinton. Paraphrasing the questions are as follows.

1. Do you think that if Hillary is the Vice Presidential Candidate she'll let Kerry be President?

2. Do you think that if Hillary is the Vice President and Kerry the President they'll win?

3. Do you think that if Kerry and Hillary win the White House that Kerry will complete his term?

Well for those curious the answers are as follows.

1. Probably she won't have much choice since he is the front runner and she is a junor senator. But I doubt that this scenario will play out.

2. I don't know, but I'd like to think so.

3. Are you frickin' nuts? You mean to suggest that Hillary Clinton would have Kerry either rubbed out, mafioso style, or provoke a scandal that drives him from office, don't you? Well, I think that Hillary Clinton, while prey to the same moral problems that plague all politicians, is far from being that demonic.

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