Monday, February 02, 2004

A Clarification

I was listening to Sean Hannity on Friday for a bit and he took a caller who was getting on with Hannity for the first part, until he suggested that some of our foreign policy might have been better handled and that might have prevented September 11th. Sean Hannity immedietly put him in the "Blame America" crowd, which as we all know is part of the larger "Hate America" crowd.

So for those of you who might be calling into the Sean Hannity show or talking to a conservative of his stripe her's how it works.

If you claim that September 11th happened because of President Clinton, is that "Blaming America First?" Nope. Clinton was the President of the United States, but his failures are his alone and can't be pinned to the rest of America.

If you claim that September 11th happened, in part, because we failed to "Get Tough" with the Middle East, is that "Blaming America First?" Nope. That would be correct, because the only reason we didn't "Get Tough" with the Middle East was that creepy evil liberals prevented it.

If you claim that September 11th happened, in part (no matter how small a part), because of American actions in, say propping up Saddam Hussein way back when, or in training terrorists against Russia that then turned against us? Yep, that is definately anti American, and you should just accept that you are a scummy liberal.

I hope this reference guid is of some use.

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