Saturday, December 13, 2003

Your Weekly Rush - Haliburton

Of course we referenced the Haliburton story earlier this week. Well it turns out I might have jumped the gun on that story a little bit. Rush Limbaugh explains a number of things.

1. There are a lot of Clinton Leftovers at the Pentagon and one of them probably leaked the story.

2. The Haliburton story is unfairly being linked to Dick Cheney

3. They are charging $2.65 a gallon which compared to gas in California isn't that high.

OK, lets see if I can respond to this.

First, Rush Limbaugh plays this game a lot, the old "Clinton Leftover" card. Presumably it works with his fan base, as anybody who had any connection with Clinton must be a scoundral. And the assumption is that this person leaked the info because of his desire to serve the Clintons. Fascinating how two people so depraved are able to command the loyalty of people for such a long time.

Secondly, Dick Cheney's conflict of interest with regards to Haliburton is so well known that to not mention it would be dishonest reporting. Incidently, you make great hay out of the story describing Haliburton as Dick Cheney's former company, without using it's name. But as you must know, every copy of the story had Haliburton in the title.

Thirdly, and most ludicrusly, your bland assurances that "betcha by the time this is all taken care of and it all shakes out there's not going to be any price gouging going on" and your comparisons to California don't make any sense. What the facts are is that there is another company delivering oil into Iraq from Turkey for $1.18 a gallon. So that's a pretty big jump, isn't it? $1.18 to $2.27 a gallon? Pretty big jump. I certainly know what I would do if one gas station in town were selling me gas for $1.18 and the other $2.27. And we aren't even talking about how President Bush's incompetance has kept us from using Iraqs oil, which presumably would be cheaper than Kuwait or Turkey.

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