Friday, December 05, 2003

Candidate Review - Foreign Policy - General Wesley Clark

Oh, and these are in no particular order, and I will try to post views from all nine candidates. But I am going to focus on Kerry, Clark, Dean, Gephardt, and Edwards, as I think they have more of a shot than Lieberman, Mosley-Braun and Sharpton.

Oh, and I'm not covering Iraq in this foreign policy section. I have to save that for sweeps.

Once again this is from his website, from a speech he gave in South Carolina.

"As my record makes clear, I am not opposed to confronting a dictator, setting an ultimatum, and acting with force if the ultimatum's not met. We did it twice. We fought with Milosevic and persuaded our allies to join us. And I wrestled with some of the pentagon brass along the way to get it done. If we have to confront danger again, we will. And we will win.

But we must be a country that listens, and leads again. A country that is respected, not resented. Not for its military might or material wealth, but for its values and vision; for the greatness of its goals, and for the generosity of its spirit. Respected more than feared, by nations rich and poor, Christian, Jews, and Muslim. A country governed by people with ideals, not radical ideologies. A nation where citizens speak their minds, demand more of their leaders, and serve their country. It's what I call a New American Patriotism.

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