Friday, December 12, 2003

Which brand of incompetence do you prefer?

David Limbaugh writes on Howard Dean's appeal today, which is, of course, an unreasoning anger. "Howard Dean appeals to this rage, and Al Gore logically fits into the equation because much of the rage is still over the 2000 presidential election."

Yep. Democrats are consumed with Rage over the 2000 election because we can't admit the wonderful job President Bush has been doing since taking office.

We can't admit the contraction in the job market that still seems to be going on, even as the DOW passes 10,000 again.

We can't admit that George Bush successfully forced Saddam Hussein to allow inspectors back in, and then invaded anyway. We can't admit that the occupational force has yet to find Saddam Hussein or even credible evidence of a weapons of mass destruction program (let alone those weapons of mass destruction that could be at our throats in a matter of minutes). We can't admit that President Bush's failure to plan for the after effects of his invasion cost the world artificacts thousands of years old (and not just 30 as some Conservatives no doubt still believe).

We can't admit that George Bush's crony capitalism has let Haliburton gouge the army to transport gas into Iraq.

We can't admit that George Bush has systematically alienated most of the world (with the exception of several countries who's governments rely directly on the United States for support. Just this week we had the spectacle of Donald Rumsfeld giving France, Germany, Russia and Canada the finger by denying them rebuilding contracts in Iraq (for security reasons!), and President Bush, the very next day, asking those countries (except Canada I think) to forgive debts Iraq owes them.

I could go on and on, but I think Mr. Limbaugh needs to consider that our anger against President Bush isn't quite so unreasoning as he might like you to believe.

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