Monday, December 08, 2003

Diana West and Groupthink

This is one of the more interesting tropes of the modern conservative movement. Basically, the reason liberals, particularly ethnic liberals (Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, etc), are liberals is that they are constrained by the group they belong to. The possibility that Jews, Blacks, and Hispanics might honestly compare Liberalism to Conservatism and chose liberalism is apparently not worth discussion.

Diane West brings this argument in talking about a recent all-Latino play that failed. Apparently that a play would be put on containing all Latinos is an example of "Groupthink." The fact that actress Priscilla Lopez would be concerned that she seems to be one of a very few Latino actresses to make it is also an example of "Groupthink."

Quick, name five Latino actors or actresses (not counting Priscilla Lopez, cheaters). Name three Asian actors or actresses. Now see if you can name twenty white actors and actresses.

Does West really not know that the bar for Latino actors and actresses is higher because they have to find "Latino" roles? And frankly Hollywood and TV land are not interested in finding roles for Hispanics.

So maybe Ms. Priscilla Lopez's concerns aren't' entirely laughable.

She compares the Latino to an Islamic community in England and reveals a lack of understanding. "Indeed, the local imam of the Ryecroft Street Mosque has actually ruled out guilt as a Muslim option. ("A Muslim cannot be a terrorist as a terrorist cannot be a Muslim," he, um, explained.) Which is nonsense -- and worse than nonsense."

If this imam meant that Muslims were by their very natures innocent, she'd be right. But what if he meant that, by committing the sin of murder through their acts of terrorism, they had abandoned the true faith of Islam. Well, that would be a different scenario, wouldn't it?

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