Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Full Scale attack on Howard Dean

We have articles by David Limbaugh, Rich Lowry, and Cal Thomas on Dean. Limbaugh and Lowry take him to task on his foreign policy (largely). Lowry repeats every scurrilous attack on Dean in the form of a question, which is always nice.

Cal Thomas, on the other hand, attacks Dean on religious grounds. Apparently Howard Dean is a Northeastern Congregationalist and his faith, as a Democrat, is suspect. As we all know, anybody who really loves Jesus will automatically support President Bush. Therefore Dean's faith must be all pretense and deception, designed to fool the South (where belief in Jesus is common). Limbaugh gets most of his information from a Boston Globe Article which is fractionally more fair minded than he is (that damned liberal media), but still castigates Dean and presents him pretty badly.

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