Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Liberal Media?

Hey, remember the Rush Limbaugh article we pointed out earlier? The one that talked about Gore's psychological affinity with Dean, because Dean was the candidate he wanted to be?

Well check out this Editorial from the New York Times. "The other message was the degree to which the Democrats have bought into the theory that victory in November will belong to the party that best energizes its passionate base. It is a concept embraced by President Bush's political guru, Karl Rove, and, now, by Mr. Gore, in his implicit turning away from the triangulation politics of the Clintonites who courted swing voters so well.

Yesterday, there was a hint of wistfulness, even envy, in Mr. Gore's appreciation of Dr. Dean's go-for-broke style. Candidates who feel blindsided by Mr. Gore's surprising initiative still have the opportunity to go for broke themselves and push their own agendas.

That Liberal Media, always copying Rush Limbaugh.

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