Friday, December 12, 2003

The Next Election - Analysis by Ann Coulter

Apparently it's a wonder Republicans win any elections.

Yep, that's what Ann Coulter says in her latest column. Here, I'll quote the relevant bit.

"In case Al Gore hasn't called you personally at home in the last 10 minutes to remind you: In the last election, this country gave a slight plurality of the popular vote to Al Gore. A plurality voted for Bill Clinton – twice. In the middle of a titanic struggle with a Soviet totalitarianism, this country elected Jimmy Carter president. If that's not enough to keep you up at night, here's one more: Hillary Clinton's "disapproval" rating has yet to reach 100 percent.

Forget landslides: It's a wonder that Republicans ever win any elections at all.

Apparently the fact that 20 Million Americans are employed by the government means that they will all vote Democratic. Because people naturally put their own interests ahead of those of the country. (It is barely worth noting that Ann Coulter is scolding people making $30,000 a year for not sacrificing their jobs to elect a Republican, while she would, premusably, strenuously resist the suggestion that corporations abandon their offshore tax dodges and pay their fair share of the tax burden).

She also notes that there are millions on welfare and on social security (which she notes with breathtaking meanness "And of course there are the 39 million greedy geezers collecting Social Security. The greatest generation rewarded itself with a pretty big meal."

She also lumps the Earned Income Credit (which Ronald Reagan was a big fan of, apparently) in with corporate welfare. Let me clarify; she comments on government hand outs and corporate welfare and then gives as her examples, "earned-income tax credit, disability payments and workman's comp."

It's also interesting that in an article which starts out complaining that the Democrats are trying to lower expectations so that they can claim dismal failure as success she spends the second half of the article trying to lower Republican Expectations.

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