Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Real Jews vote for President Bush

According to Ben Shapiro, Boy Prognisticator. Apparently Ann Coulter wrote an article last week in which she commented that many of the candidates, including Lieberman (who is, of course, Jewish), were claiming a connection to the Jewish people. So Ben Shapiro weighed in, claiming that Liberal Jews are, by not being conservative, betraying "authentic" Jewish values.

This is an old game the right likes to play. When a college professor is a liberal, he is an egghead, a gutless intellectual, a Communist sympathizer. When a college professor is a conservative, he is insightful and worthy of respect.'

When a college student is a liberal, she is an empty headed dupe. When a college student is a conservative, she is an upstanding clean cut young person who gives one hope for the future.

When an actor speaks out in favor of liberal ideals, he should shut up and let serious people do the talking. When an actor speaks out in favor of conservative ideals, he is remarkably astute and a fine addition to the dialogue.

And, now, when a Jew is a liberal he is inauthentic. When a Jew is conservative he is authentic.

I'm sure you picked up on the pattern.

I don't want to mock young Ben's faith. If he feels that it is necessary for him to be Conservative to best serve his faith and his people, let him. But I do believe there is something unsavory about attacking the faiths of other Jews, merely because they are on the other side of the political aisle from him.

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