Friday, April 09, 2004

Round the Horn

Corrente has two interesting pieces. One covers another of President Bush's flip-flops, the other involves the 9/11 Widows and Condoleeza Rice.

Kick the Leftist has a truly surreal tale from President Bush's time on the fundraising trail.

Mercury X23 discusses a recent article by Robert Reich on what a second term for President Bush is going to go.

Musing's Musings is covering another President Bush flip-flop, this one concerning our attitude towards that most hated of nations; France. Didn't Richard Perle and David Frum suggest we treat France as functional enemies?

Trish Wilson (of Trish Wilson's Blog fame) has a reaction to the news that increasing worker productivity may be great for management, but might not translate so well down to the workers.

The Fulcrum has an analysis of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld's grasp of reality. It's not really that comforting.

Collective Sigh does a brief, but seemingly complete, overview of our plans in Iraq. Hard to believe it hasn't worked out.

The Invisible Library has a very interesting comparison between 1904 and our current year (which, in case you hadn't known, is 2004). I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but it's worth checking out.

Rick's Cafe Americaine has a great little bit on everybody's favorite Supreme Court Justice, Atonin Scalia.


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