Monday, April 12, 2004

Article on Taxation

This is interesting.

"Through explicit policies, as well as tax laws never reported in the news, Congress now literally takes money from those making $30,000 to $500,000 per year and funnels it in subtle ways to the super rich -- the top 1/100th of 1 percent of Americans.

People making $60,000 paid a larger share of their 2001 income in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes than a family making $25 million, the latest Internal Revenue Service data show. And in income taxes alone, people making $400,000 paid a larger share of their incomes than the 7,000 households who made $10 million or more.

. .. All of these actions reward cheats at the expense of honest taxpayers, but because "tax" is a four letter word in Washington, nothing is done. Those who support tax law enforcement are denounced on the campaign trail as advocates of higher taxes.

While letting rich tax cheats run wild, Congress did finance a crackdown on the poor. The working poor, most of whom make less than $16,000, are eight times more likely to be audited than millionaire investors in partnerships.

The audits of low-income taxpayers found little cheating. Two-thirds of the poor get either their full refund or more than they sought.

The article is here for those who are interested.

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