Tuesday, November 18, 2003

More on the judiciary

David Limbaugh wrote another article on the four judges that Democrats have blocked the nomination of. You know even if you are part of the religious right, why are you settling for four judges? I mean, wouldn't it be better if you got slightly less ideological extreme judges on the bench so that your Senators could get to, I don't know, faith based initiatives?

But anyway, he says that the widely touted 168 to 4 figure thrown around is misleading, because it includes all the judges, and we should only include those judges for the federal appellate bench. "Plus, Democrats have said they intend to filibuster an additional six judges, making it 12 out of 41 Bush nominees to the federal appellate bench they will have blocked. So when Democrats say they've confirmed a great percentage of Bush nominees, they're talking about trial judges. It's appellate judges who have more impact on the course of the law -- and the Democrats' confirmation rate on these judges is abysmal. And their obstruction is retarding the administration of justice (the 6th Circuit Court alone is 25 percent vacant, according to Senator Mitch McConnell)." Ah. So counting 6 judges that President Bush hasn't nominated yet (and which we have no way of knowing whether or not they'll actually be filibustered), President bush has gotten a little less than 3/4 of all the judges he's nominated even using these cracked statistics.

So again it begs the question; President Bush got 3/4 of what he wants, even on the appellate bench. Why shouldn't he drop these extremist candidates and put up more qualified people (qualified in the sense that they can actually get through the approval process).

It's also fun to watch David Limbaugh pretend that politics has nothing to do with these nominees; one wonders if David Limbaugh even believes that himself.

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