Monday, November 03, 2003

The Local Draft Board

Well, the draft machinery is getting oiled up. The Bush administration has made a push to fill all the draft boards and draft appeals boards, although they have not, as yet, decided to restart the draft machinery. Salon has the story, which like all political stories has a number of threads. Here they are in short form.

1). The Department of Homeland Security wants to fill all its Draft Board and Draft Appeals Board vacancies.

2). Some Military experts, in and out of the pentagon, believe that our current troop deployments will prove insufficient.

3). Getting a draft law through Congress, to the Presidents desk, and then implemented may take a year and half or more.

4). Restarting the draft would not be a popular move, and could cost President Bush reelection, if he does it before next year.

OK. So given 1, 2, 3, and 4, what can we assume? Also, ask yourself, if President Bush wins reelection, do you think we will invade Iran or Syria?

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