Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Jon Alvarez

Jon Alvarez, patron saint of Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti American Hollywood, wrote an article for renewamerica today on a forthcoming boycott of Michael Moore's Farenheit911. Here's a quote.

". . . a campaign to inform the American public of the true nature of this film has begun. Michael Moore, the film's controversial director, is using the victims of 9/11 for what will surely amount to a political assassination piece. This should bring about a public outcry so loud, a backlash so severe; no theatre chain should be willing to carry it. That will be the ultimate goal of this campaign. If a sense of decency and respect for the subject matter cannot convince them, then a boycott of their establishment might convince them otherwise.

Some critics might attempt to label this campaign as some form of censorship. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Now just in case you missed the main points I'll reiterate them.

1). Michael Moores Film is bad.

2). The goal of Jon Alveraz is that this film not be shown in any theater anywhere in the United States.

3). This is, in Alveraz's mind, not censorship.

Hmmmmmm. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth than to say that this proposed boycott constitutes censorship. Maybe I'd better go look up what Censorship means again.

Well according to the American Heritage Dictionary its "The act, process, or practice of censoring. And a Censor is "A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable." Ah. The key word is authorized. Who would provide such authorization? Well, I'm guess Mr. Alveraz would say that since he isn't authorized by the government to do this, that gets him off the hook.

But I'm still not sure if calling Mr. Alveraz a freelance censor is really the furthest thing from the truth. He does want to suppress Farenheit911, keeping his fellow Americans from seeing it.

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