Saturday, September 27, 2003

Your Weekly Rush

First of all, lets get one thing out of the way. There's no possible way President Bush is going to lose in 2004. It's flat impossible. At least that's what the GOP would prefer you to believe.

Second, if anybody were to win, it wouldn't be that hypocrite Wesley Clark. You see back in 2001, Clark said some positive things about President Bush, as well as former President Reagan. And now in 2003 he is running against President Bush. What a hypocrite. How can a person praise President Bush at a Lincoln's Birthday Celebration in 2001 (April 11) and then run again him after September 11th, after he led the United States army into Iraq with no exit strategy and after the economy stayed in the doldrums for his entire presidency.

Rush, in his not so subtle way, tries to make supporting President Bush a sign of a moral core. "The program observer asked how Clark could do this kind of 180 and we worked it out in the audio link below. I don't disagree that Clark doesn't have a core, because if he can switch on a dime like this he can't be that committed." Spinning on a dime, to Rush, apparently means changing your opinion over two and a half fairly eventful years. That's a damn big dime.

But lest you be cocerned, remember, President Bush will win in 2004, and there is nothing we can do about it. Or so the GOP would like you to believe.

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