Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Ben Shapiro, Wise Man

Not content with being a Boy Prognosticator, Ben has taken on the duties of a wise man, by relating the 6 great lessons he learned from September 11th.

His first lesson is that our enemy is Islamic Fundamentalism. We should be ready to search Islamic Men at all times, and they should submit happily to the extra scrutiny.

His second lesson is, stepping away from his colleagues in the right wing, the economy sucks but that's not important. That flies in the face of what many on the right are saying; the economy is roaring back. I have no doubt that few of the professors and students that Shapiro encounters are that worried about the economy; but I wager if he walked through the steel towns of the rust belt he might see a different picture.

His third lesson is that Democrats don't mindlessly support whatever half-baked idea the president comes up with and are thus traitorous dogs. He reminds us all that it was the Democratic party who caused us to lose the Vietnam War by protesting it; he fails to comment on whether we should have engaged in that war at all, nor does he comment on the costs inflicted on our troops and the Vietnamese people.

His fourth lesson is that it's all Bill Clinton's fault. Yep the Republicans are the party of new ideas and the Democrats keep using the old play book. Oh, and it's unreasonable to suggest that maybe, since September 11 happened on President Bush's watch, he should take at least part of the blame.

His fifth lesson is that we are afraid of the Saudis, even thought they clearly had a hand in September 11; he's right on this one, but he neglects to mention President Bush's close ties with the Saudis.

His sixth lesson is a bit chilling; "Americans must be ready to sacrifice certain liberties for a little temporary safety." Great! We must accept the Government spying on us without our knowledge and trust that they will use the information they get correctly.

Yep Ben has certainly earned the title Wise Man. Or at least Wise Guy.

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