Thursday, September 11, 2003

Two Years Later

This is the first September 11th I've written on for this blog; although it seems like it's been a heap long time since I started this thing, it was really only since late October, 2002.

The day of September 11, 2001, was much like today. I had a ton of stuff I was working on to get ready for a big meeting next week. I stayed in my office focused on the task at hand. I came out at 10:30 or so, and saw that the TV had been moved into the lobby. I couldn't figure out why; and even when told I didn't believe it. Except then I did believe it.

I was angry against the people who did this for weeks; and when I think about it, I still am. But I quickly became angry at Conservatives as well. They were and are doing the same things they are doing now; specifically telling me that as a Democrat I now have a duty to support President Bush and the Republican party no matter what they do. This trope showed up within a few days from Rush Limbaugh and others. It was predictable, but sad.

Anyway don't know I'll post a lot today; looks like most of the other articles out there are retrospectives as well, and it's harder to be funny about this situation.

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