Saturday, September 13, 2003

Increasing Corporate Domination of the Media Increases Free Speech

Also, Black is White. You see, President Bush's FCC recently created rules that make it easier for the largest Media Corporations to control the market even more. Some Liberals and some Conservatives oppose the idea, and have introduced legislation to stop it. How are the corporate hounds going to stop this; well, Congressman Maurice Hinchey (the extrememly powerful congressperson you've never heard of), has suggested they also might bring back the fairness doctrine.

Now there is no legislative connection between Congressperson Hinchey's suggestion of bringing back the fairness doctrine and the movement to limit corporate ownership; but what does that matter? Rush Limbaugh and the Wall Street Editorial Page have lept into action. Rush Limbaugh's piece is very long and hard to follow; always a sign he's hiding something.

The Fairness Doctrine states that you have to balance viewpoints on the radio and TV. One interpretation is that a radio station would have to pay a liberal to do a failing show in order to counterbalance Rush's three hour; and in effect he'd be off the air. So if I were Limbaugh, I'd be fighting this too. But once again, there is no direct connection between the move to overturn the FCC's decision to allow greater Media Domination and concerns over the Fairness Doctrine. So you can safely oppose having more media control in fewer hands, while also opposing the attempt to bring back the fairness doctrine.

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