Tuesday, September 16, 2003

This Just In; New Democrat Candidate a Dud says Republicans

Yep, I know this will shock you all. But Potential Democratic Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark has been declared unelectable by Republicans. Rich Lowry, in an article at Townhall, has stated, "Clark has other limits. Although his biography is impressive, he has no obvious appeal to any Democratic constituency, not the unions, the minorities, the feminists or the doves (owned by Howard Dean)."

I know it's dissapointing to have another candidate rejected by the Republican Elite; after Kerry and Dean it seems hard to bear. Still don't lose hope. It's kind of like the hunt Sean Hannity went through to find Alan Colmes. I mean, it took Hannity some time, but eventually he selected the right man. Republican commentators just want our candidate to be the same quality of liberal as Alan Colmes. Meek and retiring.

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