Monday, September 01, 2003

Labor Day

Today is Labor Day, which was created in the United States as a celebration of American Workers, and, in part, to draw a bit of the fire away from May Day. May Day had been created in the U. S. of A., but it had been appropriated by Marxists.

Paul Greenberg, writing at Townhall, accurately describes the difference, "The spirit of Labor Day isn't at all like that of May Day -- a much more European., i.e., class-conscious holiday. One unites people, the other divides them.

E Pluribus Unum is scarcely a European concept. But over here everybody cheers for the rich tycoon and the poor jockey and the old cowboy in "Seabiscuit," and for the same reason everybody celebrates Labor Day: We're all part of the same team in America, or would like to think we are, which is the first step toward becoming one nation indivisible.

Strong words; but hopeful.

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