Thursday, August 28, 2003

War is Over

Good news everybody! I know a lot of you were feeling, like me, a little duped by this administration. I supported the war on the theory that Saddam had Chemical and possibly Biological weapons that could be used against the United States or other nations. So I've felt a little down as these weapons of mass distruction have failed to materialize. Well, Ann Coulter has the answer in her latest column.

"Now that we've taken the country and are uncovering mass graves, canisters of poison gases, victims of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and colonies of terrorists, liberals are claiming the war created it all."

So you see. We've found canisters of poison gas. That proves that they had weapons of mass distruction. Oh wait, that turned out to be a false report, months ago. They were canisters, but of something else, wrongly assumed to be Poison Gas. I guess Ms. Coulter must have missed that story.

She also reiterates a bumper sticker point I've made before. Democrats have, according to Republicans, sided with Terrorists. Yep, our misgivings about the war in Iraq, our suspicion that running up the highest deficits ever, our desire to see the United Nations take a larger role in the rebuilding so as to get as many of our troops out of their as possible: all those are symptoms of terrorist-lovers. Either you are with Hardline Conservativism or you are with the Terrorists.

Something to keep in mind.

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