Tuesday, August 12, 2003

It's Arnold Day

Yep. Today we will see several articles all about Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless I get bored with this idea.

Anyway the first is from Cal Thomas, sweater wearing conservative. Actually in his current picture he is not wearing a sweater, but he used to wear one. As you know, sweaters are liberal clothes--like sandals. Only liberals are allowed to wear them--Conservatives have to wear suits.

Anyway Cal Thomas is not impressed with Arnold's conservative credentials. "President George Bush has endorsed Schwarzenegger, saying he would make a good governor. Based on what? The president couldn't possibly know what Schwarzenegger stands for, because no one else seems to know, including Arnold." Thomas seems to be one of those consistent Conservatives. He hates actors when they speak out for liberal causes, and he's not all that impressed when they speak out for conservative causes. Leave the commentating to the commentators who are qualified.

He ends with this troubling statement, "To paraphrase the late Desi Arnaz, another actor with a thick accent: Arnold, you've got a lot of 'splainin' to do. You are no Ronald Reagan."

Thank goodness Thomas cleared that up, because I think we all have a little trouble telling the difference between the massively built Austrian Schwarzenegger and Ronald Reagan.

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