Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Defacing Starbucks

Apparently there has been a rash of vandalism at Starbucks out in California. According to the LA Times, reprinted at Commondreams, "Police say as many as 17 of the Seattle-based chain's stores were vandalized — windows clouded with glue, "For Lease" signs pasted on their facades and some of their locks jammed.

The pranksters also posted a notice on faux Starbucks letterhead regretfully announcing the closure of "thousands of retail locations worldwide.

Now this is put in the news section of Commondreams, a selection of stories from around the world. It was presented without comment. But this is clearly stupid. Vandalism in the pursuit of justice is nonsensical BS; and whoever did this juvenile stunt diminishes the efforts of real activists.

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