Tuesday, August 12, 2003


Ms. Mona Charen is ruminating today on Republican Principles. That is Republican referring to the style of Government not referring to the Republican party. We live in a Republic where we elect people and then they govern as they see fit. Except in California, of course, the land of the Referendum and now the Recall.

Ms Charen writes, "A republican form of government means that the people choose their leaders. It does not mean that the people decide every question by referendum The latter would be direct democracy, and direct democracy (particularly at the federal level) was exactly what the Founders were wise enough to avoid.

. . . Is it really such a great idea to let the people rule completely? California (unwisely in my opinion, but they didn't ask my advice) re-elected Gov. Gray Davis. Now they regret it. But he hasn't done anything different from what he did during his first term. Times have changed, that's all. I could understand a recall based on the same principles as impeachment -- crimes, moral turpitude, that sort of thing. But for being a lousy governor?

I agree with Ms. Charen on this point, unsurprisingly. Although her assessment of Arnold (who you knew I was going to bring up at some point) might be a little overly harsh. "Schwarzenegger is unpredictable. Some libertarians believe he is one of them. Let's hope so. But so far, his campaign rhetoric is dismally familiar. He's gonna kick out the "special interests" and run the state for the benefit of the people. How original. Ross Perot said the same thing in a different accent."

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