Friday, February 14, 2003

Websites of the Week

OK, here are some posters for you to look at.

OK here's a fun game. Which of the above posters was made by a liberal website, and which was made by a conservative one? Well let me give you some hints. One came from the Propaganda Remix Program, and the other came from FreedomAds.Org. Freedom Ads has a contest going, where in you can create your own posters and send them in (plan on seeing my entry some time tomorrow. I'm debating themes ("Bryant, Truly Indispensable" or "Bryant, Mightier than all Puny Mortals.")). The Propaganda Remix project, on the other hand, is more about selling this guys book. Anyway, one site is ideologically liberal, and the other conservative.

Figure it out yet? Well I'll tell you. The top is a liberal ad, and the bottom a conservative ad. Looks like there is some common ground, though.

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