Tuesday, February 04, 2003

Maybe We Should Just Give Up

Rich Lowry believes that American ingenuity and ability have been beaten. We just aren't smart enough, creative enough or clever enough to develop any alternative to using oil. We've failed so repeatedly, that we should just give up. True science is knowing when giving up is beneficial to America's Oil Companies. Of course Lowry is responding to President Bush's timid proposal to fund research into a Hydrogen car.

While I support the proposal, it's clearly a way to pretend to care about the environment without doing anything about it. This proposal doesn't improve standards for corporate polluters (said standards President Bush is doing everything he can to weaken). It does nothing to help improve the cars that already exist. In the short term it does nothing at all. And it's hardly any money for this kind of project. So while I support it, my hands not getting tired patting anybody on the back over it.

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