Friday, February 28, 2003

The Liberal Media

Good article today at Salon about the "Liberal Media." It is a review of Eric Alterman's recent book "What Liberal Media?" In a bit criticizing the media's coverage of the post election struggle, Alterman writes, "Liberal columnists Al Hunt and Richard Cohen offered this novel rationale for why the majority who voted for Gore should welcome a Bush presidency: The far right had turned America into such a nasty and brutish place that it could not be governed by a Democrat. Only Bush, wrote Cohen, could keep the "GOP Dobermans" on a leash. To which the only response could be: Why had the country bothered with an election at all?"

Anyway this is hardly news. The press is liberal on some social issues and conservative on must economic issues. They are also usually hawkish, enjoying the drama inherent in a good war.

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