Tuesday, February 18, 2003

More on the Marches

Conservatives are losing no time in declaring those marches irrelevant. Bill Murchinson, in his article at Townhall today, used one of the Right's favorite statistics. The marches totaled 5 to 10 Million. There are 6 Billion people alive right now (more or less). So the protests were completely irrelevant. Look at this graph if you are not convinced.

Pretty convincing isn't it? Well, lets look at who is pushing for this war. The President, the Vice President, Secretary of Defense Rumsfield and Secretary of State Powell. Perhaps 200 or so advisors, and maybe another 150 or so commentators outside the administration. Let say 355 people (counting Tony Blair, the only Englishman in favor of this war). Out of 6 billion. Or 0.000005917%. Still, perhaps I had better not read too much into that figure.

Here's another statement from Mr. Murchinson. "The inspectors have been at this job for a decade. In 1998, Saddam threw them out. The world did nothing. Doubtless that meant really giving peace a chance." Murchinson reveals that his belief in honesty is shaky at best. In 1998, inspectors pulled out because Bill Clinton planned to bomb Baghdad due to some grievance or another (possibly in connection to the Monica Lewinsky scandal, then in full bloom). So let see, did Saddam kick them out? No they pulled out for safeties sake. Did the world do nothing? No, Bill Clinton fired missiles on them.

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