Thursday, July 08, 2004

This is not a sentence

Ann Coulter's latest article takes on John Edwards. For those who don't like subjecting yourselves to bile and venom, here's the short version. Edwards is a light weight and a trial lawyer, and the Democratic Party are liars.

Now for some venom and bile (notice how I reversed those two words? That's the mark of a good writer; always throwing change ups).

"I guess with John Kerry's choice of John Edwards as his running mate, he really does want to stand up for all Americans, from those worth only $60 million to those worth in excess of $800 million."

Both Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush are extremely wealthy, and President Bush was born into privilege and stayed there. He was more or less a complete washout as a business, but very skilled at being the President's son, and so managed to get bailed out by investors. They weren't investing in his company; they were investing in him and his connections.

"What is so amazing about Edwards' father being a millworker? That's at least an honorable occupation -- as opposed to being a trial lawyer. True, Edwards made more money than his father did. I assume strippers make more money than their alcoholic fathers who abandoned them did, too. This isn't a story of progress; it's a story of devolution."

Here we see the traditional Republican love of our American Justice system. I'm coming to believe that Republicans like Ann Coulter live in a fantasy world where all we need are Charles Bronson and Dirty Harry to have the power to blow criminals away and we can do away with the American Justice system all together. I mean the only purpose of the American Justice is to punish criminals, and if the cops could do that without getting Lawyers involved, so much the better.

It's not like there would ever be a legitimate reason for a person to sue a corporation or another person.

"So while Michael Moore, Al Franken, George Soros, Crazy Al Gore and the rest of the characters from the climactic devil-worshipping scene in "Rosemary's Baby" provide the muscle for the Kerry campaign, Kerry picks a pretty-boy milquetoast as his running mate, narrowly edging out a puppy for the spot."

That's just nice, isn't it? The Democratic Party as Satan Worshippers.

Anyway, that's all the bile and venom I can take today.

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