Wednesday, July 07, 2004

More on Edwards

Nicholas D. Kristoff has an interesting article on the Edwards appeal today.

"The oddity is that President Bush manages to come across as a real guy (a triumph of marketing), while John Kerry still has the whiff of an aloof Massachusetts liberal.

This is where Mr. Edwards comes in. If you look at the Democratic ticket through the prism of places like Yamhill, Mr. Edwards, the son of a millworker and a postal worker, appears down-to-earth and trustworthy, a fellow who strikes a chord on values as well as issues. So the Democrats gain street credibility among blue-collar voters, and a leader who can help win back the Reagan Democrats.

This is a good point. The people's acceptance of President Bush as a normal down-to-earth guy is somewhat baffling, although I know he's worked very hard (or not worked at all) to give that impression. Edwards will help provide a contrast to that image.

But unlike Lieberman (who could play the religion card if nothing else) Edwards program is pretty solidly progressive. This is a guy who understands what kind of America most people live in and will fight to improve that America.

Also note the end of the article, where we have a story on Genocide occurring in the Sudan. You might also check out this post at This Modern World.

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