Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Intelligence Failures

As we all know the Senate Intelligence Committee has published a report which would seem to place the blame for the Iraqi War squarely with the CIA. The CIA misled the President and the President then inadvertently misled the American people. This report does have several unanswered questions the chief being were the CIA pressured into providing President Bush with a specific answer. This question won't be addressed any time soon, if at all. After all the Congress and the House are firmly in the control of the Republicans who have no interest in an answer to that question. Instead, they are happy to have a report that exonerates the President. Sort of.

We're a long way from "the buck stops here" though.

Anyway for more details on this story, check out this article at Salon.

In other news, David Limbaugh places the blame for taking us into Iraq can rest squarely on the shoulders of John Kerry and John Edwards. Yep, they are the one's who took our country into Iraq. I can imagine it now.

President Bush: I just don't know if the evidence is strong enough for us to invade Iraq.

Vice President Cheney: Yes, perhaps we shouldn't invade just now.

Senator Kerry (bursting into the Oval Office with John Edwards right behind him): Mister President, I demand that you invade Iraq immediately. Don't give a second thought to it.

Senator Edwards: Yeah, you'd better invade. So what if the intelligence isn't that great? Invade now and ask questions later.

President Bush: Well if you guys say so.
Actually I think David Limbaugh's point is that if Future President Kerry calls President Bush a liar he's a hypocrite because he voted for the Iraq War Resolution (IWR). Kerry has explained that he voted for the IWR in order to give President Bush mower power to force Saddam Hussein to open his country to inspectors again. President Bush then chose not to let the inspections process run it's full course but invaded prematurely.

It's interesting watching David Limbaugh condemning John Kerry for doing something Limbaugh probably thinks was a good idea. In other words, Tom Delay voted for that IWR as well. Is he also a liar? No. Because of course, Senator Tom Delay is a Republican. When you strip aside all the attempts to take a highminded tone, David Limbaugh and his brother have a pretty simple agenda. Republicans Good, Democrats Bad.

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