Friday, July 16, 2004

Round the Horn Part L7

Yep it's another round up of the old Liberal Coalition.
All Facts and Opinion has a piece on the Underblogs and the Overblogs, and their secret plan to conquer Earth.  Or just get more hits. 
Gamer's Nook has an anecdote on the perils of carrying a sword to a hardware store. 
In other news of smart guys around the world, Iddybud has a tale of a man and a his fishing hook.
Happy Furry Puppy Story Time has a witticism about the new Will Smith movie "I, Robot," which was apparently suggested by an Issac Asimov story.
Left is Right has an account of the Bush Campaigns ongoing effort to hold Hollywood against Future President Kerry. 
T. Rex's Guide to Life has a response to those who would argue that claiming this war was unnecessary trivializes the dead (based on a comment he received).
Collective Sigh has a report on new information coming out of Abu Ghraib.  Disturbing information which could put the whole "abuse" theory to bed. 
Steve Gilliard's News Blog has a bit on Future President Kerry's service in Vietnam as contrasted with someone else's service in the National Guard. 
And finally The Fulcrum has a suggestion that we all relax every now and again along with a nice picture. 

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