Wednesday, October 22, 2003

New York Journal #6

Well, went down to the World Trade Center. Where it used to be.

I am suspicious of pilgrimages. I am suspicious of the idea that there is a place out there that I could go to, and it would change my life. The Holy Land, the Forbidden City, the Taj Mahal, Vatican City, Salt Lake City—all of them are places I’d like to go (well I’ve been to SLC, many times. But I’d go again, I suppose). But I don’t expect any of them to transform me spiritually, emotionally, or intellectually.

Going to ground zero should be, if they exist at all, one of those life transforming experiences, as one contemplates the deaths of 3,000 of ones country man in the bloodiest terrorist attack on American soil. But it’s a construction site.

If you are looking for a transformative experience, I’d suggest living each day a little better than the day before. It takes more effort, but it has the virtue of actually working.

Also went took some other pictures of the down town district, including some from the St. Marks graveyard just a bit away from the world trade center.

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