Monday, July 07, 2003

The Whole and the Sum of It's Parts

Emmett Tyrell, writing at Townhall today, traces the history of Anti Americanism to the Count de Buffon (whom he assumes to be French). Buffon apparently felt that the humidity of the States made it impossible for people to maintain the same moral and intellectual vigor as they had in Europe. Chaulk one up for Mr. Tyrell, he is able to disprove this particular argument.

He then states, "European intellectuals (and, for that matter, many of their American equivalents) are easily enraptured by academic daydreams about reality." The main thesis of his article seems to be that the normal bull fight loving citizens of Europe (well Spain) still love us--it's only the Intellectuals and Pseudo-Intellectuals that have a problem with the US. Well if that's true than Prime Minister Blair must have nothing to worry about.

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