Tuesday, July 01, 2003

An Interesting Point

Joe Conason, who I became aware of as a Clinton apoligist, has been writing a daily blog for Salon. It's quite good, truth to tell, although he doesn't use fancy colors like I do. At any rate, today he comments on Grover Norquist who is finding himself in the news more and more, and must find the sensation unpleasent. Grover Norquist, you will remember, is the one who is planning for decades of conservative dominence, based on the Republican ability to Gerrymander.

Well, what does this mean for Democrats? Well Conason has a radical solution: "Differences among the Democratic factions can scarcely be minimized in the aftermath of the divisive (and ongoing) debate over the war in Iraq. But if lockstep unity is possible in the Republican Party -- whose factions encompass anarcho-libertarians like Norquist and religious fundamentalists like his comrade Ralph Reed -- then the various kinds of Democrats might at least consider learning to talk to each other."

Talking to each other. Hmmmm. Respecting each other despite our differences? That's so crazy it just might work.

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