Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Helpful Advice from David Limbaugh

Yes, David Limbaugh, related to a famous radio personality whose name escapes me at the moment, has some helpful advice for the Democratic base. We need to take prozac. You see we are too angry and are therefore making up charges about President Bush. Like that silly charge that he claimed we would find Weapons of Mass distruction in Iraq, and now we haven't found them. We should remember that ". . . People know Bush is not a liar and has been an exemplary commander-in-chief." If we calm down we can reject a liberal candidate in favor of a more viable centrist candidate.

And on the upside, if we elect a centrist candidate, that candidate will be much less likely to challenge President Bush in debates or on the campaign trail. The candidate can run on a sort of "Hooray for President Bush (but vote for me for President)" slogan. And then even if our Democratic candidate wins, he'll be a centrist. Of course Republicans will paint him as a little more liberal than Stalin, but they won't mind all that much. So everybody wins (except for those few cursed souls who fail to take their prozac and hold out for actual liberal ideas.

Now If you'll excuse me . . . darn, can't get this stupid lid off . . . Stupid prozac . . .

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