Monday, July 28, 2003


Suzanne Fields writes today on the growth of Anti-Semitism on the left. And in so far as such Anti-Semitism exists on the left, we here at Make me a Commentator!!! would like to condemn it. Anti-Semitism is another name for racism, anther name for hatred, and hatred is ugly, whether motivated from the left or from the right.

There is a tendency among all people to ally with those who seem to support your cause. The left in America does not like President Bush, and many find out military occupation of Iraq very troubling. Islamic Fanatics feel much the same way. However, lets not delude ourselves into thinking that makes Islamic Fanatics nice people. Whatever we may think about the founding of Israel, the fact is it is the most democratic nation in the middle east, and an ally of the United States.

This does not mean that the left should not criticize Israeli policies. Indeed we have a duty to do so. And to clarify for some on the right--it is possible to disagree, even disagree vehmenantly with the policies of a nation without hating that nation, or its citizens.

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