Tuesday, July 15, 2003

George Tenet

Of course you all know that Tenet, a Clinton Appointee, has taken the blame for bad information that President Bush presented in his State of the Union address. Well, Cal Thomas has chosen to damn him with faint praise. And then just to damn him.

"CIA Director George Tenet, who was named to the post by President Bill Clinton, performed an act unheard of in the previous administration by taking responsibility for an erroneous intelligence report that Iraq had sought uranium from the African nation of Niger. . . .

Clearly, Tenet should resign or be fired. He failed in ways that contributed to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and he stumbled on a matter of basic intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war. He has hurt the president, and that is an unpardonable political sin for one in a high-profile position. The president says he has "full confidence" in the director. One wonders what Tenet would have to do to enjoy, say, half-confidence.


Tenet gets the bill not only for President Bush's deception in the State of the Union, but Cal Thomas also holds him responsible for September 11th. I wonder if Thomas really thinks that he can smear Tenet with the blood of 3,000 dead Americans and not have some of the blood find its way into the Oval Office. Still let us not follow in Mr. Thomas's footsteps. I personally hold nobody responsible for September 11th except those who committed the atrocity and those who funded it.

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