Thursday, July 03, 2003

I'm Angry

Ann Coulter has written a new book entitled Treason with a long subtitle that I'm not all the interested in looking up. Basically her point is that Liberals are guilty of being commie lovers and of hating America, and then when people call them Commie-lovers and America-haters they smear them.

In her article today, she continues along the same vein, saying, "The left's shameful refusal to admit collaboration with one of the great totalitarian regimes of the last century – like their defense of Bill Clinton – quickly transformed into a vicious slander campaign against those who bore witness against them."

Heres a simple logic preposition that Ms. Coulter seems to want us all to accept.

Statement 1: Some Liberals were also Communists and/or Spys.
Statement 2: Some Liberals denied being Communists.
Statement 3: All Liberals are guilty of a shameful refusal to admit collaboration with the Soviet Union.

Wisely she chooses not to focus on their culpability of liberals, but instead on how innocent J. Edgar Hoover and others are maligned by the left. By making it about individuals she can avoid talking about Hoover and Joseph McCarthy's effect on America.

She pulls out the old argument about how FDR shuffled Japanese Americans into camps while being praised as a genius. Make no mistake, it was a disgraceful moment in American history and in FDR's generally noble life.

But of couse she makes no mention of his declining health, or the fact that he privately didn't like doing it. He was pressured into doing it by the Governors of California, Oregon and Washington. She also ignores that many liberals of the time criticized. Indeed her analysis seems to be FDR did it, he's a liberal, Liberals are guilty. I'm sorry, Ms Coulter but perhaps a more indepth analysis might be required.

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