Wednesday, January 14, 2004

That Darned Media Bias

Yep. Once again we are upset at the clear Media Bias. Take the latest front page at Right there is a picture of Howard Dean with the headline. "Fresh Assault."

Now we like the "Fresh Assault" headline; makes Dean look like an assaulter which he clearly is (for those more innocent of my readers, Dean said some bad, mean, nasty, hurtful things about President Bush). But the picture doesn't make him look nearly crazy enough.

Stay with me. I'm just spitting out an idea here, but why don't you have his eyes a bright glowing red, as if they were the gateways to Hell itself. Now, it might be hard to find a photo that looks exactly like that, but maybe you could play around with Photoshop.

For those of you with some notion of "photo integrity," consider this. The red glowing eyes, making Dean look evil, will convey a deeper truth, and so it's all justified.

Anyway hop to it. Remember making any Liberal look even slightly less than insane or evil is biased against Conservatives.

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