Monday, January 19, 2004

Ann Coulter - Nuttier than 15 Squirrels and still counting

This week Ann takes on Wesley Clark, and, in a bit of projection, describes him as totally nuts.

Apparently Clark has the crazy idea that Intelligence information is kind of murky. He described it, in a quote that Coulter quotes twice, as a "a sort of gray goo as you look at it. You can't see through it, exactly, and if you try to touch it, it gets real sticky and you might actually interfere with the information that you're getting back. So you have to draw inferences from it." That's not the most elegant or the prettiest analogy, but it strikes me as pretty accurate.

Of course, were Ann president there would be little to no need for any intelligence. We would have invaded the middle east, killed their leaders, destroyed their armies, forcibly converted all the civilians, and demolished all the mosques. Simple. No intelligence needed. So, I guess it's understandable that she doesn't understand intelligence.

She also denigrates his work in Kosovo, and minimizes the menace of Slobodan Milosevic (some on the right now wonder if we judged Milosevic to hard; after all, he was killing Muslims).

Of course the scariest part about Clark is that he has stated that September 11th may have been preventable, but that the Bush Administration failed to put the pieces together. And for that he must truly pay; some questions nobody should ask, not even in an election year. But, since he asked it . . . Well, now I'm curious.

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