Thursday, January 29, 2004

The Cowardly Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter takes on John Kerry today, and here's the story. He's French, he's a pacifist, and he's a gigolo. Yep. That didn't take long did it? Not nearly as long or as painful as actually reading Ann Coulter's madness.

He's a gigolo because he's been divorced to a wealthy woman and then married another wealthy woman. There's the proof right there.

As mentioned earlier she comments on his bragging about his war career, although in typical Coulter Fashion she exagerates a bit. "As everyone has heard approximately 1 billion times by now, Kerry boasts that he has REAL experience with aircraft carriers, and if Bush wants to run on national security, then ... BRING IT ON!" I haven't even heard that five times I don't think, so what do I know.

She also calls Kerry a pacifist military type; showing again her disconnect from reality. And that is, of course, why I have taken to calling Ms. Coulter cowardly (and not just because I know she wouldn't like it much if she ever read it, although I admit that has some appeal as well). You see most of us have to argue from the real world, and that's tough. Tough enough that Ms. Coulter apparently isn't up to it.

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