Friday, January 02, 2004

Candidate Review - Higher Education - General Wesley Clark

Since many of my readers are likely to be college students, here are the Democratic Candidate's positions on Higher Education.

This is from a speech given on December 10th, 2003, coincidentally enough in New Castle, New Hampshire. Funny how the candidates seem to talk so often in New Hampshire and Iowa.

"A college education is the foundation of the American dream. And it pays off. Not just in knowledge, but in dollars. Studies show that for each additional year of higher you get, you earn 5 to 15 percent more. That's more than the average returns on stocks and bonds.

So today, we should be making it easier-not harder-for our kids to get the education they need to succeed in the 21st century economy.

Unfortunately, too many young people don't even consider going to college because it's just too expensive.

. . . My plan has four parts.

First, we will provide $6,000 a year for the first two years of college to any student whose family earns $100,000 or less. That's double the federal grant students currently get -- and it covers more than 100 percent of the tuition and fees for the average four-year public university.

Second, we've got to make it easier for student to apply for financial aid. I'll streamline the application process, so students only have to fill out one form for Pell Grants and Hope Scholarships.

This will make it much easier for more students to get the aid they need.

Third, we have to help cash-starved states with tuition costs. Right now, President Bush's tax cuts have put states in the red, forcing them to raise tuition prices just to stay afloat. That's why state tuition increases are twice as high as private ones.

My plan sends state and local governments $40 billion to help fix their fiscal crises, and get tuition costs under control.

Finally, my plan helps working families save for college by giving tax credits to working families, those who have the hardest time putting money away.

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