Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Confounded Women!

Once again we are pleased to present commentary by Mr. Irwin J. McIckleson (fictional plutocrat from the 1910s) on the issues of the day.
I was reading in my newspaper the other day, and, as usual, this strange future world gets my dander up. Apparently, the President of Harvard was making a point on the sphere in which woman excel and those spheres in which biology has conspired to make a woman ineffective. Woman are not as able to rotate objects in their mind for example, and thus are clearly unable to become scienticians or mechanists. This is also why Woman should not be allowed behind the wheels of the nation's automacars.

Apparently the view that women belong in their proper place and in no others is frowned upon in this strange future world. Indeed, one female professor (the concept astounds) apparently got up and left the room. Presumably she (her name will be withheld out of deference to her family) was crying or some other such womanly response. After all a woman could hardly be expected to consider leaving as a mark of disapproval against the President of Harvard. Woman do not have the inherent dignity that men do, as all acknowledge.

Fortunately, there are some in your society that understand the proper place of woman. Jonah Goldberg, for example, points out the inherent weakness in this female professors actions, and how we all assume that they were the result of female hysteria. Mr. Goldberg points out a few other salient details. For one thing this President of Harvard is an Economist. That certainly qualifies him to talk about human biology. He also points out that woman have babies, which is something we believed in our day and we still believe in this strange future world! So it's not like we in the first decades of the 1900s were wrong about everything. And we were right about woman's inability to perform science as well. And about Joe Chinaman.
Once again we'd like to thank Mr. McIckleson for providing commentary. Those of you who would like a more modern approach to this subject please check out Echidne of the Snakes work on this subject (here, here, and here).

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