Friday, January 07, 2005

Around the Horn Special Friday Edition

First some housekeeping. Edwardpig is off haitus, thank goodness, so we are glad to have him back. And a member of the liberal coalition from a while ago has a new blog called First Draft that I linked to last week, and have now added to the Blog Roll. Looks like quite a good blog, so go check it out.

And on to this weeks offering. My guess is that many will have something to do with Social Security.

Archy covers the "model" for our Social Security plans, which is Chili. Is Chili a chilling vision of the future if we go forward with this plan? Only time will tell.

Bloggg considers the human cost of privitizing Social Security, and also has some reactions to a New York Times Story on Autism (it doesn't seem like said New York Times story was very good).

Corrente has a bit on Barbara Boxer and challenging the 2004 Ohio Returns.

Echidne of the Snakes has the news that America is not the land of the Economically Free, but that land is in fact Singapore. Maybe.

Musing's Musings has some thoughts on how we allow time to control our lives. It reminds me of that Talking Heads song "Once in a Lifetime." "Time isn't holding us / Time isn't after us."

Left is Right has a piece on the other big story of the week, namely, the confirmation process of Alberto Gonzeles, who wrote a memo once supporting the use of Torture.

Pen Elayne on the Web has a piece on the shifting terrain in the Capitol, and how victories may not turn out to be as impressive as initially thought.

rubber hose has a bit on discussing politics online, insanity and how all roads lead to Michael Moore.

Well not t0o much on Social Security, after all. In other news, The Fulcrum, Respectful of Otters and Kick the Leftist are really great blogs that have slowed down a little for the Holidays (I assume). Hope they come back soon.

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