Monday, December 13, 2004

This Kind of Thing!

I'm out of it today due to work pressures and other pressures. I swear when I got this job at the bottom of the Mariana Trench they never mentioned the pressure. It's like I'm being crushed by several miles of water, the way my boss expects things done before he even assigns them.

Anyway I did want to point you to this nice summation of why some liberals don't trust social security reformers. The summation is by Tom Tomorrow at this Modern World, who I'm not always extremely complementary of. But in this case he is 100% right. "The short version is: it's not some irrational fear of "the market" driving my opposition. It's the very rational understanding that the forces driving Social Security "reform" have no interest in reform whatsoever. You've got the Grover Norquist destroy-government wing allied with the conservatarian free-marketeers, both of whom would dearly love to wipe out the last vestiges of the New Deal. . . . It's not that I don't trust "the market." It's that I don't trust the "reformers." And for very good reason."

He's not wrong.

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