Friday, December 10, 2004

Round the Horn Dedicated to Jacky Cane

I don't know who Jacky Cane is, but Hooverphonic did a cool song about her, so why not? And away we go.

First up is an article on the intramural squabbles to take control of the DNC, as reported by Bark Bark Woof Woof, who asks some pointed questions about what the previous dudes have given us.
Here's a brain teaser. One of those aforementioned dudes is named Donna Brazile. Who is, in fact, a women. Which is more problematic; calling her a dude, which leaves the implication that she is male, or using the phrase "Dudes and Dudettes, which implies that she is a Dudette?" Tune in to the end of this round the horn for the answer.

Back to going around the horn. Iddybud has some further thoughts on the fight for the DNC chair, and suggests that tearing into Howard Dean may not be the way to go.

Scrutiny Hooligans also has some well thought out thoughts on Howard Dean becoming the DNC head.

Sooner Thought has some words to share about who President Bush has appointed to head the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

Speedkill has some thoughts about Bill O'Rielly and Christmas.

The Invisible Library has a take on Gerald Allen a new proponent of Censorship.

Trish Wilson's Blog has a story on new evidence that Fathers, not Mothers, are more likely to falsely claim abuse.

The answer to today's riddle is that the word dudes should not be used. But since I'm probably going to use it anyway, I'd say its much less insulting to call a woman a dude than to call her a dudette (which to me sounds incredibly condescending). If you have a different opinion, please post it in the comments section.

Anyway that's it for this edition. Have a nice day.

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